What you thinking abouth si pitung ,,,yaaaaaaaa saat itu dia di hargai 400 golden oleh penjajah belanda, karena sulitnya menangkap beliau...... Pahlawan kita yang difitnah sebagai penjahat kakap sebenarnya sangatlah berjasa pada kita semua........ jadi para genarasi muda semua janganlah lupa sejarah......... agar kita bisa melihat kejadian sekarang ini dengan mata hati yg tajam,,,,,, Bagaimana sekarang dengan berita di tivi yang sedang hangat dibicarakan orang orang ......... Berita tentang teroris ,yah yang sering membuat kita slalu bingung?? kenapa yah orang yang kelihatanya ndeso kok diharrgai mahal????????
Buat para generasi muda Indonesia semoga bisa berpikir kritis dengan keadaan yang sering heboh di negara kita ini, Agar kita bisa menjadi negara yang gak mudah di adu domba, dan marilah kita semua cinta akan membaca sejarah para pahlawan kita agar tidak menjadi buta mata hati kita.Mukin anda punya pendapat sendiri tentang penayangan video acara berita ini...............
Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010
Selasa, 09 Maret 2010
H1n1 was atrem that until recently was in a way completely without meaning,,how ever,the more common ferminology of swine flu has not only become more and more widespread, but it is also one associated with the recent fandemic and world concern.The virus that attacks and thrives in spaces occupied by groups like those in school,work places and family comunes is not one that can not be effectively combated.
Instead of living in estate of fear ,there are some simple precautionary and treatment measures that can be heeded to keep the h1n1 virus at bay.... One of the most effective stops to beat the swine flu spate is increasing immunity with the vaccine ..... This is of course one of the top most recommendation by health professionals from across the globe. you can also beat the pandemic it is know to trigger.
It helps to wash your hands frequently or keep them clean with any prescribed sanitizer , if you are traveling or frequenting a public facility . You should also consider staying away from crowds s much as you can. in the same breath it also helps to get anpel of rest and switch to adiet rife with the abundance of fruits and vegetables . Not only do these gifts of nature help you to fight the h1n1 on slaught, but they also help you to develop and maintain a healthy immune system. swine flu is an ailment that shows up in symptoms prety much like reguler bout of flu .However , the trick is in catching it the onset and taking all precautionary measures to keep it away from the family its know to attack and completely weaken the ones already aihing or the adolescents,,,,,,,,,
Who are know to have immune system that succumb to viral attacks quickly. The h1n1 virus has spread more of a fear than attack and it is essential to understand the cause and symtoms that manifest priorto taking on any call of action..........
It help all ot of research on preventive measures to there than wait for the swine flu to touch home and then strike course . Fever accompaying acold and persistent dry cough..... Loss of appetite and a general ftique setting in slowly are manifestation that should not be ignored at all.IT is important to note that the onslaught of the flu is spread in two ways,either by infected animal to people in close contact to by one infected person to another. Getting educated on the malady is the best bet ...........
Instead of living in estate of fear ,there are some simple precautionary and treatment measures that can be heeded to keep the h1n1 virus at bay.... One of the most effective stops to beat the swine flu spate is increasing immunity with the vaccine ..... This is of course one of the top most recommendation by health professionals from across the globe. you can also beat the pandemic it is know to trigger.
It helps to wash your hands frequently or keep them clean with any prescribed sanitizer , if you are traveling or frequenting a public facility . You should also consider staying away from crowds s much as you can. in the same breath it also helps to get anpel of rest and switch to adiet rife with the abundance of fruits and vegetables . Not only do these gifts of nature help you to fight the h1n1 on slaught, but they also help you to develop and maintain a healthy immune system. swine flu is an ailment that shows up in symptoms prety much like reguler bout of flu .However , the trick is in catching it the onset and taking all precautionary measures to keep it away from the family its know to attack and completely weaken the ones already aihing or the adolescents,,,,,,,,,
Who are know to have immune system that succumb to viral attacks quickly. The h1n1 virus has spread more of a fear than attack and it is essential to understand the cause and symtoms that manifest priorto taking on any call of action..........
It help all ot of research on preventive measures to there than wait for the swine flu to touch home and then strike course . Fever accompaying acold and persistent dry cough..... Loss of appetite and a general ftique setting in slowly are manifestation that should not be ignored at all.IT is important to note that the onslaught of the flu is spread in two ways,either by infected animal to people in close contact to by one infected person to another. Getting educated on the malady is the best bet ...........
Rabu, 03 Maret 2010
Indonesian Education
recognising that children whith disabilities and other children with specials need in indonesia , have equal rights in speech ,to express opinion,to have education,well bing and health,as it is stated in 1945 constitution ,to have full rights and obligations as citizens as it is confirmed in universal declaration of human right1948, remforced by convention on the right of the child 1989, world declaration on education for all 1990 un standart rules on the equalisation of opportynities forsons wiith disabilites 1993,salamanca statement and frame work for action UNESCO 1994 persons with disabilities act 1997, dakar framework for action 2000,national education system act. no. 20 2003 and declaration of the international conggress of children 2004.
All these documents provide full assurance for children wicht specials need to obtain quality education and actively participate in the society.......... being aware of the diversity indonesian society, we there fore agree to work to wards inclusive education. based on all the consideration above, there fore we , the participants ofnational workshop an inclusive education that was held in Bandung ,Indonesia...
All these documents provide full assurance for children wicht specials need to obtain quality education and actively participate in the society.......... being aware of the diversity indonesian society, we there fore agree to work to wards inclusive education. based on all the consideration above, there fore we , the participants ofnational workshop an inclusive education that was held in Bandung ,Indonesia...
The assessement of nuclear energy in the future for supporting hydrogen production system has been carried out. Rapidly exhousting supplies of light crude oil has drive the exploration of heavy crude oil. light crude oil can be converted to gasoline and jet fuel without the us of hydrogen . but converthing heavy crude oil to gasoline and jet fuel requires large quantities of hydrogen. Beside that,to anticipate hydrogen era as transportation fuels the big amountof hydrogen production is need ed in the future .
If nuclear want to enhance its funtion as energy supply,nuclear must have capability in hydrogen production system . Some studies in developed countries show that nuclear cuple with hydrogen production processes is very possible. If this condition can be realised, some advantages can be obtained such as,reducting combustion of fossil fuels that give implication of decreasing of CO2 emission to be environment. Diversification of nuclear energy is olso the other advantage.......
If nuclear want to enhance its funtion as energy supply,nuclear must have capability in hydrogen production system . Some studies in developed countries show that nuclear cuple with hydrogen production processes is very possible. If this condition can be realised, some advantages can be obtained such as,reducting combustion of fossil fuels that give implication of decreasing of CO2 emission to be environment. Diversification of nuclear energy is olso the other advantage.......
Selasa, 02 Maret 2010
Sidang DPR
Hari ini heboh lagi tayangan tv ,siaran langsung sidang DPR secara jelas telah membuat penonton tv seluruh rakyat indonesia mengelus dada,,,,,,,,, mengapa slalu berbuat yang tidak sopan kepada sesama anggota DPR.......... rakyat indonesia sudah banyak yang miskin.. kenapa justru sering menyaksikan tayangan yang anarkis, kami sangat mengharrap sebaiknyalah para wakil rakyat yang terhormat bisa bersikap lemah lembut, saling menyayangi sesama saudara sebansa setanah air indonesia, sehingga kita bisa saling sopan.
Belum lagi heboh masalah suporter bola yang anarkis dan merenggut nyawa manusia,, emang mau di bawa kemanaaaaaaaaaa negara kita ini sayangggggggggg???????????
Apakah demokrasi harus menghilangkan sopan santun yang menjadi adat rakyat kita?????????????? Coba kita perhatikan tingkah laku mereka dalam video ini....... Apakah anda senang ataukah prehatin??????????????????????
Belum lagi heboh masalah suporter bola yang anarkis dan merenggut nyawa manusia,, emang mau di bawa kemanaaaaaaaaaa negara kita ini sayangggggggggg???????????
Apakah demokrasi harus menghilangkan sopan santun yang menjadi adat rakyat kita?????????????? Coba kita perhatikan tingkah laku mereka dalam video ini....... Apakah anda senang ataukah prehatin??????????????????????
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